public speaking
Workshop Information

At 67 years old, I am finally discovering my full potential as a naturalist, innovator, businessman, and parent. Thank you, Pam, for your strength, courage, compassion, wisdom, endless energy, and patience in teaching your practical communication tools.”
~ Joe Correa, CEO, Shoreline Restoration of Hawaii, LLC
“I avoided public speaking like the Plague, until I took Pam’s Level 1 course. That\’s where I got the first of her many tips that have transformed my attitude. Now, instead of feeling like a panicky exile up there, I feel like a confident leader.”
~ Patricia Waiwood, Quantitative Risk Analyst
“Thank you for sharing your life\’s purpose and being such a delightful teacher. As a result of taking your course, I feel more confident and empowered and I thank you for helping me further my professional development.”
~ Bethany Zedalis, IIDA
How to Give a Presentation Tomorrow and Sleep Well Tonight
Do you or your team dread leading meetings or speaking in front of others? This program provides easy-to-apply techniques to dramatically improve your presentations — whether speaking with one person, to small groups, or to large audiences. As a professional person, you will be called on to speak in front of others, and people will expect you to be good. Prepare yourself to exceed their expectations.
Harmonize Your Instruments for Powerful Communication
You are the conductor of your very own set of instruments. *When you manage them artfully, you enjoy harmony in all of your relationships and endeavors. This program will make perfect sense and provide useful answers to questions you didn’t even know you had.
* Body language, voice, words, and appearance
Feedback: The Breakfast of Champions
Your team members need to know where they stand. When they don’t, they make up inaccurate and often detrimental stories to fill the gap. This program (augmented by Pam’s book,“Now You Tell Me!”), describes the type of life-changing feedback people need, and provides practical tips on when, why, how, where, and how often to deliver it.
“Not This Again!”
As a leader, how often do you say that to yourself, gritting your teeth or throwing your hands in the air? Probably daily. This personalized program helps you to identify your most vexing workplace challenges and provides practical and logical solutions for quick relief. Pam’s book, Not This Again! Eighteen Challenges Hawaii’s Leaders Face and How to Rise Above Them is an integral part of this workshop. We’ll customize this session to meet your specific needs.
Your Customers: Take Them from Satisfied to Loyal
It’s not enough to have satisfied customers. You want loyal customers. This means raising the standard of service and providing more than is expected. Learn how to build instant connection, engender trust, and provide solutions. Understand the primary experience that all customers want — the one that keeps them coming back for more!
Networking Events: Meet These Three People
One of life’s uncomfortable situations is walking into a crowded banquet room and not knowing a soul. Yet, effective networking is one of the best ways to build your business. This program demonstrates which three people to meet, how to start (and end) conversations, how to move the relationship to the next step, and dozens more logical and practical tips, including why you don’t have to be interesting!
From E-mail to Proposals . . . Be a More Confident Writer
A surprising number of well-educated and verbally gifted professionals are insecure about their writing skills. You may be one of them. Or, you may not be proud of your staff’s writing. This program offers tips that will make writing an easier task — including how to get your writing read, how to select powerful words, how to pare it down, and how to get your readers to take action.
Dining Etiquette Made Easy
“Um . . . Is this my bread plate, or yours?” “I never know which water glass is mine.” Table manners matter because many job interviews and sales presentations take place over a meal, and you want to know what you’re doing! This delightful hands-on program will evaporate all doubts. You and your team will learn dozens of logical and memorable tips that will provide cutting-edge confidence for when it matters the most.
What Everyone Needs to Know about Business Etiquette
Everything you need to know about making the best impression: how to dress, make introductions, make “small talk,” exchange business cards, host the business lunch, and more. Help your team develop the social graces that add to their success.